Announcement Properties

When you create a new announcement record which is unread, a red bubble count-indicator icon appears on top of the grey announcement icon (the megaphone icon). In the bubble icon, the number of unread announcements is displayed.

When there are no unread announcements, the bubble count-indicator disappears.

When you click the announcement icon (the megaphone icon), a grid appears that displays all of the unread announcements, highlighted in red. All the announcements are displayed in descending order, according to the date.

After an announcement record has been read by a user, the title of the record is displayed in black. When you click the announcement hyperlink, the announcement grid appears.

In the announcement grid, the active (Status = Active) announcement records are displayed, only. The Title, Last Modified By, and Last Modified Date (for both company and system announcements) fields are also displayed.

For the system announcements created by the Site Administrator, the sign-in name of the Site Administrator is displayed in the Last Modified By field.

For company announcements, the full name (First + Last Name) of the user who created (Last Modified By) the record, is displayed in the Last Modified By field.

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024