Create a New Project Manually

To manually create a new project:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. Click Company Sponsored Projects in the left Navigator.
  3. Click a project category in which to create the new project. If you do not want to categorize the project, or if no categories have been setup, click All. Note that not all administrators will have access to all project categories.
  4. Click the New button. The Project window opens.
  5. Complete the information on each of the tabs.

    The tabs contain the same fields as the template window.

    Some notes on the tabs:

    • General tab: Note Project Status: you may set the project status to Active to make it available to users immediately, or leave it as Inactive until you have completed setting up the new project. This will prevent users from signing in to their company and attempting to access the project before it is ready.
    • Location tab: Be sure to enter the complete Project Address and any other project related addresses.
    • Standards tab: Use this tab to enter the project image, currencies, email, and E-signature type.
    • Progress tab: Enter the project schedule start date, planned completion date, status and project phase.

      You can manage a project's progress on a continuing basis by reviewing the project properties you define here.  For instance, at any time you can enter a revised completion date, enter the percent complete for a design and/or construction project, monitor the project status, or change the project phase to ensure information contained in the Document Manager is current and available to the project team at the right time.

      The information that you enter here is also viewable from the Progress pane of the Project landing page. This means a project administrator can quickly view the current status of a project and make modifications as necessary.

    • Links tab: Use this tab to add any links to be used by your project.
    • Custom tab: Use this tab to add custom attributes.
    • Calendar tab: Use this tab to set up the calendar to be used by your project
  6. Click OK to save your changes and exit the Project window.

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024