Business Process Node

The business process <BP Name> node lets you set up specific information about that BP.

When you click the business process <BP Name> node (listed under the Business Process functional node), the <BP Name> Setup log or window opens. When you open the BP listed in the setup log or window, the Business Process Setup window opens showing the following tabs, which let you enter set specific information about that BP:

General tab

To see the BP name and description. You can use this tab to:

Settings tab

To select the record editors from the User/Group Picker.

View Forms tab

You can add View Forms to the BP setup (Add > Select View Forms) and assign permissions (Permission Settings) to the users and groups (Viewers > User/Group Picker) for each individual view form.

The users and groups can use the View Forms to:

A user or group having permissions to multiple View Forms:

If you select the Also apply View Form Settings when Task Assignees and CC'd users view records option in this tab, the system will override the view form of the workflow step design with the view form that the user has access to, through this setup.

Record Properties tab

To set up restrictions for Form Tabs and Attachments.

You can restrict Users and Groups to view the record tabs or to download the attachments within the BP record. The Groups restrictions will override the Users restrictions.

Restricting the Workflow Progress and Audit Log options (under the Upper Form Properties) will result in the automatic update of the same options in the Permissions Settings (or Access Control). The same operation applies in reverse.

Click the Edit Restrictions option to open the Edit Restrictions window for the BP. Use this window to select users or groups and determine restrictions for the following elements within the BP. You can also remove the users or groups, and their restrictions, in this window.

Notification tab

To set up the details for the following elements:

Auto Creation tab

Use this tab to:

More information about the tabs, and the fields within each tab, is provided in the preceding and following topics.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023