Configuring Resource Manager at Company-level

The Resource Manager can be configured at both the company level and the project or shell level.

To configure the Resource Manager at the company level

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. Click Configuration > Resource Manager in the left Navigator. Resource Manager is listed in the log automatically.
  3. Select Resource Manager and click Open.
  4. Complete the Resource Manager General Configuration window as described in the following table and then click OK.

In this field:

Do this:

Resource Code

Choose one of the following:

  • Manual: Allows you to enter a resource code manually while defining resources. Validation is performed to ensure resource codes are unique.
  • Automatic: Automatic numbering generates unique resource codes using a sequence.
  • Sequence Format: For automatic numbering, enter an alpha-numeric prefix for the resource code (e.g., RES).
  • Start: Enter a number to start the sequence. Numbers are generated from the start number in increments of 1.

Resource Sheet Defaults

These define default values for resource sheets. These values can be changed any time. Choose options for:

  • Timescale Unit: Options are day, week, month. Defines the default granularity for the display on all resource sheets at the company and project level.
  • Date From: Enter a default start date for the timeline display on all resource sheets at the company level. This default does not prevent entering transactions before this date. Actual start date of the timeline will be driven by the earliest applicable transaction date (for booking, assignment, allocation, etc.).
  • Date To: The latest applicable transaction date.

Resource Booking

  • Allow over-booking of resources: The resource booking process will be allowed to overbook a resource (beyond the resource's daily capacity).
  • Maximum Over-booking Percent: This field is enabled if the over-booking checkbox is selected. Enter any positive integer amount. If a value is not specified, there is no limit on over-booking.

This information can be edited at any time. Changes will be reflected on subsequent bookings.

Note: A resource can never be booked more than 24 hours on any day.

See Also

Setting up the Resource Manager

Set Up Resource Manager

Configuring Resource Manager Configuration Package

Creating Roles and Resources

Setting up the Resource Manager in Projects or Shells

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023