Create Role Rate from P6

A mapping template is created to map the fields of Role Rate object in P6 to P6RoleRate object in Unifier. The following is used for creating a new Role in the Rate Sheet in Unifier:

P6 Field Name

Gateway Field Name

P6 Field Name







This mapping template contains the pre-defined elements of Unifier mapped to corresponding fields in P6, but you can deploy additional custom attributes to Gateway (for Activity Sheet), and they will be available for the data mapping templates.

For mandatory fields, the integration will fail if you change the data mapping template (or create your own data mapping template) such that a mandatory element is no longer in the template (i.e., you remove a mandatory element from the mapping template).

Note: The schedule type is a mandatory field while sending the data across multiple P6 projects to Unifier.

See Also

P6, Unifier, and Gateway

Gateway Data Dictionary

Gateway Field Mappings

Resource Data from P6

Resource Rate from P6

Role Data from P6

Business Flows in Gateway

Get Resource and Role Rates from P6

Synchronization: Resource and Role Rates from P6

Last Published Saturday, July 13, 2024