
The function of bookmarks in Unifier is similar to the bookmarks that you create in a web browser to help you access a web page more quickly, or navigate to frequently used locations.

Note: Unifier does not validate bookmark names, so ensure that you do not add duplicate or confusing bookmark names.

You can add bookmarks to Unifier User Mode functions where you frequently work.

Note: You cannot add bookmarks when you are in the Admin mode.

To add bookmarks:

  1. Go to the tab/node that you want to bookmark.
  2. From the top right-hand corner, click the Bookmark icon () to open the Bookmarks window.
  3. Click Bookmark this Page.

In the Bookmarks window, use the following options to remove, rename, or mark a particular tab as a default tab:

To use bookmarks, from the top right-hand corner, click the Bookmark icon () to open the Bookmarks window.

Last Published Saturday, July 13, 2024