Searching Pickers

Most pickers include a Find feature with which you can locate specific objects (codes, assets, business processes, users, shells, etc.) while you are working on a form or a sheet . When you use this Find feature, Unifier narrows the list of items shown on the picker to match the search criteria you specified. For pickers with extensive lists, this can make completing the business process form much quicker.

Some pickers display static Find windows; others display floating windows like the Task and business process logs (however, without the "save search" feature).

For most pickers, the Find feature works as generally described under Searching and Finding: Search Option and Searching and Finding: Find on Page Option; however, the User/Group Picker works differently.


To find a user in the User/Group Picker

  1. Open the User/Group Picker.
  2. The List Names from field shows the project/shell or company from which the users' names will come. (This field is editable only by your company Administrator.)
  3. Use the Show By field to restrict the search to users only, to groups only, or to both.
  4. In the Search for field, enter a name, or partial name.
  5. Click Search or press Enter.

    Unifier uses the filters at the top of the Find window and searches the picker list according to the project/shell, or company specified in the List Names from field, as well as the Show By option you specify (users, groups, or both).

    Unifier displays on the picker the names that met the search criteria you entered, and also displays above the list this line: Current View: <filtered by ...> [Cancel Filter].

    Note: If you choose to, you can cancel the search action by clicking [Cancel Filter]. Unifier will restore the picker list.

User/Group Picker and type-ahead

In the “To” or “Cc” fields (mail recipients) or in the Edit Permissions (log level) and other fields (where user and groups are both supported), when you enter a value Unifier includes both users and groups:


"Enter a <Display Element's column name> ..."

In the unlikely case of display element not being present in the log, the placeholder text will be "Enter a <Display Element label>..."

Last Published Saturday, July 13, 2024