IDIH Trace Statistics

IDIH gathers statistics about transactions for active traces. The statistics have various dimensions:
  • TimeTag - end of the interval for which the record contains statistics
  • TraceInstance - identifies trace to which this record belongs
  • Node - IP address of the node
  • DbLevel - MCL (Managed Object ChangeLevel)
  • ResultCode - value of ResultCode AVP (code 268)
  • ExperimentalResultCode - value of ExperimentalResultCode AVP (code 298)
and the following measures for the given matching dimension values:
  • Count - total number of transactions
  • Timeouts - number of time-out transactions

The statistics count the number of transactions for every combination of dimension values seen in received transactions. It counts transactions with result code only. If the TTR is missing an Answer message or the Answer message is missing a result code AVP, then the transaction is not counted.

The statistics are continuously generated and stored in an Oracle database. The complete statistics will be available up to five minutes after the trace has finished or has been stopped.

ProTrace reads the statistics and displays them to the user in the form of bar and pie charts.
  • If the user double clicks on a bar, it executes a new query and displays TDRs for the clicked node and category (all, errors, success, timeouts)
  • If the user double clicks a section in the pie chart, then it displays TDRs with the clicked result code for the selected node

The user can refresh the statistics presented by clicking Refresh Statistics.

The user also can return to the TDR Panel Toolbar by clicking Return to Traces.