IDP Relay Additional Subscriber Data Feature

The IDP Relay Additional Subscriber Data (IDPR ASD) feature allows for the insertion of Additional Subscriber Data (ASD) from the incoming CgPN and CdPN digit strings into the CdPN of an outgoing IDP query message.

Typical uses for IDP Relay use of ASD are for CNL information and for triggerless equal access information.

IDPR ASD uses the ASDLKUP and CgPNASDRqd Service Actions for the IDPRCDPN serviceIDPRCDPN, IDPRCDPN2, IDPRCDPN3, and IDPRCDPN4 services in NPP processing.
  • The ASDLKUP Service Action Handler uses the ASDLKUP Service Action to perform an individual or range UDR lookup on the conditioned CdPN, to find an entry containing an ASD digit string.
  • The CgPNASDRqd Service Action Handler performs an UDR lookup for the DN in the CgPN indicated by the ASDLKUP Service Action, and populates the value for the ASD Formatting Action with the found ASD.

The ASDLKUP Service Action or CgPNASDRqd Service Action can coexist in the same Service Action group with any other Service Actions used by IDP Relay. The ASDLKUP Service Action and the CgPNASDRqd Service Action are mutually exclusive in the same Action Set.

Depending on the Formatting Action configuration for the selected NPP rule, the NPP Formatting Action execution can use the ASD in formatting the CdPN digit string in the outgoing message.