MO-Based GSM SMS NP Protocol Handling

After the MO-Based GSM SMS NP feature has been enabled and turned on, it provides the following protocol handling:

  • The MO-Based GSM SMS NP feature traps the MO_SMS message and performs NPDB lookup based on the B number from the TCAP SM-RP-UI parameter. If the entity type is the same as the value of the MOSMSTYPE option in the GSMSMSOPTS table, then this feature modifies the outgoing MO_SMS based on the value of the MOSMSDNFMT option.
  • When the outgoing MO-SMS is modified, the NAI is based on the value of the MOSMSDNNAI parameter in the GSMSMSOPTS table.
  • The MO-Based GSM SMS NP feature performs SCCP CdPA GTA lookup against the SMSC list maintained by the STP. If the lookup is not successful, the MSU falls through to GTT handling.
  • When both the MO-Based GMS SMS NP feature and the Portability Check for MO-SMS feature are configured:
    • Both features must have the same service-selector service.
    • The MO-Based GSM SMS NP feature processes an MSU only when the MSU has passed the processing by the Portability Check for MO_SMS feature and no NACK has been sent.
  • The MO-Based GSM SMS NP feature is required only for MO_SMS messages with SMS-Submit and SMS-Command.
  • The number conditioning is based on the Conditioning Actions provisioned in the NPP Rule Set.
  • For messages handled within this feature, the SCCP CdPA is always used to route the message.
  • If the MOSMSTYPE=ALL, MOSMSDNFMT=RN, and the UDR lookup has no entity assigned to the DN, then the MO_SMS message is not modified.
  • The MAP Called Party Number is modified by the formatted digits computed by the Formatting Actions in the NPP Rule Set.
  • If the MOSMSSA=YES, then the subaddress is searched and removed from MAP called Party number for NPDB lookup. The subaddress is not removed from the final MO_SMS message.
  • If the number of called party digits in the modified MO_SMS message is greater than 20, then the digits are not modified and the original message is routed to the SMSC based on SCCP CdPA.
  • The MO-Based GSM SMS NP feature considers a successful UDR lookup with entitytype=RN and portabilitytype=0 to be entitytype=SP.
  • If the MOSMSFWD=Yes and the MO-SMS TCAP called-party number is modified after successful UDR lookup, then the MO-SMS message is redirected to the GTA identified in the MOSMSGTA field by modifying the SCCP CdPA.