UDR Lookup

The called IDP Relay Service Actions search the UDR with the conditioned INAP/CAP CdPN or CgPN digits from the IDP message. The lookup results in one of 4 outcomes:
  • Match on Digits with RN (Routing Number)

    The number belongs to a Foreign Network, and could be an Own Subscriber ported out, or a Foreign Subscriber. The IDP Relay prefixes the RN to the CdPN digits and relays to the PPSCP.

  • Match on Digits with SP (SP Address)

    The number belongs to the Own Network, and could be an Own Subscriber, or a Foreign Subscriber ported in. IDP Relay prefixes the SP address to the CdPN digits and relays to the PPSCP.

  • Match on digits, but no associated RN or SP

    A number was entered in the UDR, but the portability status is unknown. Data might be entered in this format because it is an All Call Query solution based on SRF, but regulation does not allow prefixing of non-ported numbers. If IDP Relay finds such a match, the \ IDP Relay function is terminated and the message is routed through standard GTT to the PPSCP. The INAP/CAP portion of the message is not modified; only the MTP and SCCP CdPA are modified if required by standard GTT.

  • No Match on Digits

    The number is not in the UDR. Generally, this indicates that the number has never been ported (in or out), or is an unknown number. The IDP Relay function is terminated, and the message is routed though standard GTT to the PPSCP. The INAP/CAP portion of the message is not modified, and only the MTP and SCCP CdPA are modified if required by standard GTT.

The CgPN is modified only if the entity type matches the CGNPTYPE option value. If the CGNPTTYPE does not match or the CgPN lookup fails, the CgPN is not modified and processing continues for the CdPN.