Expose API URLs

The DSR API GW exposes 3GPP T8 resource URLs over the XMI subnet and port 10002 for HTTPS traffic. The deployment topology mandates using an external load balance, which should be owned and maintained by the customer. The load balancer is configured to send HTTPS traffic to all DSR API GW AppServers belonging to the site over XMI IP and port 10002.

Each resource URL format of the T8 API specification is prefixed with /<apiroot-{nidd/me/dt/ecr}>/v1.

Apiroot is the property provided while configuring DSR API GW.

For example, the NIDD configuration URL will be where the apiroot provided is operator1:
The T8 APIs for NIDD, Monitoring Events, Device Triggering, and ECR are defined on the Partner and API Management portal, which can be accessed using the operator account.

Figure A-27 Expose API URLs
