Bulk Load

Data can be transferred between the SDS and the HLR Router by exporting SDS data and then importing the file on the Active Network OAM&P HLR Router server.


The data transfer is performed from the SDS GUI. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information.
To transfer the data:
  1. Disable PDB Relay Enabled and set the Export Mode configuration option value to Blocking on the SDS GUI.
  2. Schedule an export on the SDS GUI.
  3. After the export, check the Relay Exception Log for any new pdbexport exceptions on the SDS GUI.
  4. Transfer the export file to the HLR Router.
  5. Store the file on the Remote Import server and directory displayed on the HLR Router GUI. We recommend you refer to Online Help for the current version of the HLR Router for more information.
  6. Rename the file on the HLR Router server by changing the .hlrr extension to .pdbi.
  7. The HLR Router automatically imports the file. Verify successful import.
  8. Enable PDB Relay Enabled and set the Export Mode configuration option to Blocking or Non-Blocking on the SDS GUI.