
Below are examples of how to use the <updateSubscriber> request and likely response. Some of these examples are based on previous requests; hence, the order of the requests could be important.

These examples show the SDS provisioning request and response contents that are stored within the <soapenv:Body> or <SOAP-ENV:Body> tags. See the Start Transaction Examples for examples of the entire SOAP request/response text.

Add Standalone Routing Entities

This example creates new standalone IMSI and MSISDN routing entities and sets their destination values to the specified values.

The result of this request is:
  • New IMSI and MSISDN routing entities are created.
  • All of the destination values for each routing entity are set to specified values.
<ns2:sdsResult affected="5" error="0" 

Update Standalone Routing Entities Destinations

This example updates existing standalone IMSI and MSISDN routing entities with new destination values.


This request does not update all IMSI values that were specified in the previous request.

The result of this request is that the IMSI and MSISDN routing entities are updated with specified values.

<ns2:sdsResult affected="4" error="0"

This example updates existing standalone IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities with new destination values.

The result of this request is that the IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities are updated with specified values.

<ns2:sdsResult affected="6" error="0"

Create Subscriber Using Existing Routing Entities (Success)

This example creates a subscriber using existing routing entities that all have the same destination values.

After this request is completed, a new subscriber is created and all of the routing entities are assigned to that subscriber.

<updateSubscriberRequest group=”y”>
<ns2:sdsResult affected="1" error="0">

Create Subscriber Using Existing Routing Entities (Failure)

This example fails when creating a subscriber using existing routing entities because the existing routing entities have different destination values.

No changes are made to the database because the request failed.

<updateSubscriberRequest group=”y”>
<ns2:sdsResult affected="0" error="2029" description=”all routes must have the same destination values”>

Add Account ID to Existing Subscriber

This example adds an Account ID to an existing subscriber. Any of the subscriber IMSI or MSISDN values can be used. For this example, the MSISDN value is used.

The result of this request is that the subscriber will have an Account ID value.

<updateSubscriberRequest group=”y”>
<ns2:sdsResult affected="1" error="0">

Modify Destinations for Existing Subscriber

This example modifies one of the destination values for an existing subscriber. Any of the subscriber's Account ID, IMSI, MSISDN, or External Identifier values can be used. For this example, an IMSI value is used.


It does not matter if group="y" is specified. The same changes are always applied to the whole subscriber.

The result of this request is that all of the subscriber's IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities will have a new destination value.

<ns2:sdsResult affected="3" error="0"

Replace MSISDN value

This example replaces an MSISDN value for an existing subscriber. The new MSISDN routing entity inherits the destination values from an old IMSI or MSISDN routing entity. It does not matter which of the subscriber's routing entities is used. All entities have the same destination values.

The result of this request is:
  • The old MSISDN routing entity is deleted from the database
  • The new MSISDN routing entity is added to the database, its destination values are set to the subscriber destination values, and the new MSISDN value is assigned to the subscriber (relationships are established).


    If the new MSISDN routing entity already exists in the database, and it has the same destination values as the subscriber, the only change is that the routing entity is assigned to the subscriber.
<updateSubscriberRequest group=”y”>
<ns2:sdsResult affected="1" error="0">

Replace Account ID, Two IMSI Values, and One MSISDN Value

This example replaces several identification values for an existing subscriber. The new IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities inherit the destination values from the old IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities. It does not matter which of the Subscriber's routing entities is used. All routing entities have the same destination values.

The result of this request is:
  • The old IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities are deleted from the database.
  • The new IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities are added to the database, their destination values are set to the subscriber's destination values, and the routing entities are assigned to the subscriber (relationships are established).


    If the new IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities already exist in the database and they have the same destination values as the subscriber, the only change is that the new IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier values are assigned to the subscriber.
  • The subscriber Account ID value is changed.
<ns2:sdsResult affected="1" error="0">

Create Subscriber Using New Routing Entities (Success)

This example creates a subscriber using new routing entities with specified destinations.

The result of this request is:
  • A new subscriber is created with the specified Account ID, IMSI and MSISDN values.
  • New IMSI and MSISDN routing entities are created with the specified destinations.
<updateSubscriberRequest group=”y”>
<ns2:sdsResult affected="1" error="0">

This example creates a subscriber using new routing entities with specified destinations.

The result of this request is:
  • A new subscriber is created with the specified Account ID, IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier values.
  • New IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entities are created with the specified destinations.
<updateSubscriberRequest group=”y”>
<ns2:sdsResult affected="1" error="0">

Create Subscriber Using New Routing Entities (Failure)

This example fails when creating a subscriber using new routing entities because no destinations were specified.

No changes are made to the database because the request failed.

<updateSubscriberRequest group=”y”>
<ns2:sdsResult affected="0" error="2013" description=”at least one destination must be specified”>