Provisioning Clients

The provisioning clients, which are owned by the customer, establish TCP/IP connections to the XML Data server or SOAP server, using the VIP for the active SDS server on the Primary Provisioning Site. The provisioning clients use XML or SOAP to send requests to manipulate and query data in the Provisioning Database and then process the XML or SOAP response messages.

Provisioning clients must re-establish connections with the XML Data server or SOAP server using the Primary SDS VIP on switchover from the Primary Active to Standby SDS server. Provisioning clients must also redirect connections to the Secondary VIP on switchover from the Primary SDS Site to the DR SDS Site.

Provisioning clients must run a timeout for the response to a request, in case a response is not sent. If no response is received, a client drops and re-establishes the connection before trying again.


By dropping the connection, any transaction that is in progress on that connection is automatically rolled back. Consequently, the entire transaction must be started and resent again.

Provisioning clients are expected to re-send XML/SOAP requests for database manipulation requests that resulted in a temporary error or for which no responses were received.

The SDS GUI is used to configure connections to the provisioning clients. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information.