
The <readDomain> request extracts (reads) Domain Identifiers and displays up to nine destination values for each domain identifier.

Semantic Rules

  • All domain identifier names must already exist in the database.
  • There must be one domain identifier value specified and support up to 10 values.

Request Format

<readDomain ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr" [resonly="resonly"] [id="id"]>

Request Parameters

Table 5-31 <readDomain> Parameters (XML)

Parameter Description Value
ent The entity name within the global schema. subscriberRouting
ns The namespace within the global schema. dsr
resonly (Optional) Indicates whether the response should consist of the result only, without including the original request in the response.

y - Only provide the result, do not include the original request (default).

n - Include the original request in the response.

id (Optional) Transaction ID value provided in the request and passed back in the response. 1-4294967295