
The <updateSubscriberNai> request provisions NAI routing entities. Each NAI value is defined as a combination of an NAI host and NAI user value. For example, "" would have "John.Smith" as the NAI user value and "" as the NAI host value.

Each routing entity contains up to nine destination names. Each destination contains FQDN and realm values, which are used for routing messages. The request can remove a destination value from existing NAI routing entities by specifying "none" as the destination name.

The request can add new routing entities or update destination names in existing routing entities. These destination changes are applied to all specified NAI routing entities.

Semantic Rules

  • Between 1 and 10 user names must be specified.
  • At least one destination must be specified.
  • The host name must already exist in the database.
  • A destination name must already exist in the database.
  • Each destination name type may only be specified once.
  • All specified routing entities will be provisioned with the same destination value(s).
  • Any existing destination(s) for a routing entity will not be changed/removed if not specified in the request.
  • Specifying a destination name of “none” will remove the association of that destination from the specified routing entity(s).

Request Format

<updateSubscriberNai ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr" [resonly="resonly"]
                     [id="id"] [timeout="timeout"]>
[   <imshss>imshss</imshss>       ]
[   <ltehss>ltehss</ltehss>       ]
[   <pcrf>pcrf</pcrf>             ]
[   <ocs>ocs</ocs>                ]
[   <ofcs>ofcs</ofcs>             ]
[   <aaa>aaa</aaa>                ]
[   <userdef1>userdef1</userdef1> ]
[   <userdef2>userdef2</userdef2> ]
[   <mtchss>mtchss</mtchss>       ]

Request Parameters

Table 5-20 <updateSubscriberNai> Request Parameters (XML)

Parameter Description Values
ent The entity name within the global schema. subscriberRouting
ns The namespace within the global schema. dsr
resonly (Optional) Indicates whether the response should consist of the result only, without including the original request in the response.

y - Only provide the result, do not include the original request (default).

n - Include the original request in the response.

id (Optional) Transaction id value provided in request, and will be passed back in the response 1-4294967295
timeout (Optional)

The amount of time (in seconds) to wait to before being able to perform a write if another connection is performing a write, or has a transaction open. Clients waiting to write will be processed in the order that their requests were received.

If the request is being performed within a transaction, this parameter will have no effect, as the client already has a transaction open.

0 (return immediately if not available) to 3600 seconds. The default is 0.
host A host name. A string with 1 to 64 characters.
user A user name to be associated with the host to form an NAI. A string with 1 to 64 characters.
imshss (Optional) The name of the IMS HSS destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
ltehss (Optional) The name of the LTE HSS destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
pcrf (Optional) The name of the PCRF destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
ocs (Optional) The name of the OCS destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
ofcs (Optional) The name of the OFCS destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
aaa (Optional) The name of the AAA server destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
userdef1 (Optional) The name of the first user defined destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
userdef2 (Optional) The name of the second user defined destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.
mtchss (Optional) The name of the MTC HSS destination. A string with 1 to 32 characters.