
A block transaction allows the user to group a number of requests within a transaction and send them as one "chunk" of data. Requests are executed when the whole "chunk" has been sent. A "chunk" consists of the block transaction tags with a number of requests contained within it.

It is possible to select if each individual request is included within its individual response in the block transaction response or not by using the resonly attribute in the <tx> entity. The selection (even the default when not included) is applied to every request within the block transaction. If any request itself sets the resonly attribute, this it is overridden with the value from the block transaction.

The following requests are not permitted within a block transaction and result in a INV_REQ_IN_BLOCK_TX error being returned:
  • <startTransaction>
  • <commit>
  • <rollback>

Request Format

<tx [resonly="resonly"] [id="id"] [timeout="timeout"]>
    <requestName ...>


    <requestName ...>

Request Parameters

Table 5-10 <tx> Request Parameters (XML)

Parameter Description Values
resonly (Optional) Indicates whether the response should consist of the result only, without including the original request in the response.

y - Only provide the result, do not include the original request (default).

n - Include the original request in the response.

id (Optional) Transaction ID value provided in the request and passed back in the response. 1-4294967295
timeout (Optional) The amount of time (in seconds) to wait to open a transaction if another connection already has one open. Clients waiting to open a transaction will be processed in the order that their requests were received.

0 (return immediately if not available) to 3600 seconds.

The default is 0.

requestName (Optional)

Contains 0-50 occurrences of the following XML requests: <updateSubscriber>, <deleteSubscriber>, <readSubscriber>, <updateSubscriberNai>, <deleteSubscriberNai>, <readSubscriberNai>