XML Data Server

The XML Data server runs in the XML Data server (XDS) process on the active SDS server on the Primary Provisioning Site. The XML Data server implements XML over a TCP interface.

Each XML request and response message (see XML Message Definitions) consists of a 4-byte binary length value, followed by the indicated number of ASCII characters that form the XML request. There is no need to terminate the XML request with any terminating character(s).

The XML Data server is responsible for:
  • Accepting and authorizing XML/TCP provisioning client connections.
  • Processing and responding to XML requests received from provisioning clients.
  • Updating and maintaining the provisioning database, located on the active SDS server on the Primary Provisioning Site. MSIDN, IMSI, and NAI user routing entities can be read and provisioned, including destinations for the routing entities.


    All specified destinations and NAI Hosts must already be defined (using the GUI or CSV import).

XML provisioning can occur via an XML client or an XML import file. SDS also supports exporting MSISDN, IMSI, and NAI User data into an export file.