XML Response Messages

An XML response message is sent by the SDS XML provisioning client in response to an XML request.

Each response message consists of a 4-byte binary length value, followed by the XML response in ASCII characters. The length value contains the number of bytes in the XML response, excluding the 4-bytes for the length.

The original XML request is included in the response only if indicated in the initiating request.

A rowset, contained between the <rset> tags, is only present if data is to be returned, such as in the <readSubscriber> and <readSubscriberNai> requests.

A generic response type can be generated if the XML request cannot be parsed, the request is not valid, and in some other cases. The response name of a generic response type is errorResp. The id field, if supplied in the original request, may be included if was possible to extract it, but this cannot be guaranteed, depending on the error condition.

Response Message Format (<readSubscriberResp> and <readSubscriberNaiResp> messages)

<respName [id="id"]>
    <res error="error" affected="affected" [description="description"]/>
        <rowName [ [rowAttributeName]="rowAttributeValue"] …
                   [rowAttributeName]="rowAttributeValue"] ]>
        <rowName [ [rowAttributeName]="rowAttributeValue"] …
                   [rowAttributeName]="rowAttributeValue"] ]>

Response Message Format (all other requests)

<respName [id="id"]>
    <res error="error" affected="affected" [description="description"]/>

Response Message Parameters

Table 5-2 Response Message Parameters (XML)

Parameter Description Values
lengthInBytes Number of bytes following to form XML request. This is a 4-byte binary value. 0-4294967295
respName The name of the response based on the original XML request sent. A string with 1 to 64 characters. The value is the request name appended with Resp, for example, for the <updateSubscriber> request, the response name is updateSubscriberResp. If the request name is invalid, or the XML cannot be parsed, the response name is errorResp.
id (Optional) Transaction ID value provided in the request and passed back in the response. 1-4294967295
originalXMLRequest (Optional) The text of the original XML request that was sent. This parameter is present only if the resonly=n attribute is set in the original request. A string with 1 to 4096 characters.
error Whether or not operation was successfully executed by the XML Data server. 0 - success; non zero - failure.
affected The number of routing entities (or subscribers if group="y") created/updated. 0-10
description (Optional) A textual description associated with the response. This may contain more information as to why a request failed or describe the changes if it succeeds. A string with 1 to 1024 characters.
rowName The name of the row type returned. This value is dependant on the result set returned.
rowValue The value of the row type returned. This value is dependant on the result set returned.
rowAttributeName The name of the row attribute name returned. This value is dependant on the result set returned.
rowAttributeValue The value of the row attribute name returned. This value is dependant on the result set returned.