ResourceAssignmentCodeType Service


CreateResourceAssignmentCodeTypes Operation

ReadResourceAssignmentCodeTypes Operation

UpdateResourceAssignmentCodeTypes Operation

DeleteResourceAssignmentCodeTypes Operation

GetFieldLengthResourceAssignmentCodeType Operation

WSDL: ResourceAssignmentCodeType.wsdl

Primary Key Field: ObjectId

Target Namespace:

Default Transport URLs:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ResourceAssignmentCodeTypeService?wsdl

https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ResourceAssignmentCodeTypeService?wsdl

Java Client Stub Class:


Resource and role assignment code types provide a way of classifying assignment codes. Assignment codes are user-defined codes to classify and categorize resource and role assignments across the enterprise. They are defined globally.

With potentially hundreds of resources and roles being assigned to activities across an enterprise of projects, codes provide another method for filtering the assignments you need to access quickly, or for grouping assignments for analysis and summarization in layouts. You can also use assignment codes to group, sort, and filter assignments in profiles and spreadsheets.

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Last Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023