ActivityStepTemplateItem Service


CreateActivityStepTemplateItems Operation

ReadActivityStepTemplateItems Operation

UpdateActivityStepTemplateItems Operation

DeleteActivityStepTemplateItems Operation

GetFieldLengthActivityStepTemplateItem Operation

WSDL: ActivityStepTemplateItem.wsdl

Primary Key Field: ObjectId

Target Namespace:

Default Transport URLs:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ActivityStepTemplateItemService?wsdl

https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ActivityStepTemplateItemService?wsdl

Java Client Stub Class:


An activity step template item is one of the defined steps in the associated activity template. See the ActivityStepTemplate Service for more information about activity step templates.

The ActivityStepTemplateItem service supports user defined fields (UDFs). Use the UDFValue Service to read the associated UDF assignments.

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Last Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023