CostAccount Service


CreateCostAccounts Operation

ReadCostAccounts Operation

UpdateCostAccounts Operation

DeleteCostAccounts Operation

GetFieldLengthCostAccount Operation

ReadCostAccountPath Operation

WSDL: CostAccount.wsdl

Primary Key Field: ObjectId

Target Namespace:

Default Transport URLs:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/CostAccountService?wsdl

https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/CostAccountService?wsdl

Java Client Stub Class:


Cost accounts contain the organization's cost account IDs. Available across all projects, they support tracking of costs and earned value based on the organization's cost account IDs. Cost accounts are hierarchical objects.

You can specify a project's default cost account. This cost account is used for resource assignments to activities and project expenses in the open project.

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Last Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023