Import Service


CreateNewProject Operation

ImportProjectAsyncASAP Operation

ImportProjects Operation

UpdateExistingProject Operation

WSDL: Import.wsdl

Primary Key Field: ObjectId

Target Namespace:

Default Transport URLs:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ImportService?wsdl

https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ImportService?wsdl

Java Client Stub Class:


This service lets you import one or more projects from XML. The CreateProject operation imports one project from XML, and the ImportProjects operation imports one or more projects from XML. For each project, the import includes the project and all related business objects supported by the importer and in use in the project. For example, the project's activities, resource assignments, and associated resources are included.

The Import service uses MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) to send the input files as attachments.

The schema of the input file is contained in the p6apibo.xsd file located in P6 EPPM Web Services' schema folder and is the same schema used by the P6 Integration API's XMLImporter.

Each business object in the XML file must contain an ObjectId field, which is a unique identifier for the object corresponding most of the time to the primary key in the database. This ObjectId field will not be imported as it is. Instead, it is replaced by a new value to guarantee that it does not conflict with any existing objects in the database. The ObjectId field in the XML file is needed for when an object is referenced by other business objects in the same file. For example, ResourceAssignment has a field named ResourceObjectId that references an Resource with ObjectId field of the same value. If this foreign key reference is not resolved successfully (the Resource with the same ObjectId could not be found in the file), the importer either skips this field if the field is nullable, or will not import the object at all.

When you export from Primavera P6, database keys in the export file are only used by the importer for referential integrity, not for matching records in the database. You are responsible for ensuring the referential integrity of the XML file that you use with the Import Service.

The Import service will import all global objects before project-specific objects. The service imports one kind of object at one time according to a predetermined order. For example, resource will be imported before ResourceAssignment since ResourceAssignment has a reference to Resource. For project-specific objects, the service imports one project at a time.

For each kind of business object, there is a set of fields called "required fields" that you must set when directly creating an object. For information about which fields are required for any business object that has a create operation, refer to the "required fields" section corresponding to that business object's create operation in this manual.

Note: The import services is implemented using MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) for sending files as attachments.

In This Section

CreateNewProject Operation

ImportProjectAsyncASAP Operation

ImportProjects Operation

UpdateExistingProject Operation

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Last Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023