ProjectIssue Service


CreateProjectIssues Operation

ReadProjectIssues Operation

UpdateProjectIssues Operation

DeleteProjectIssues Operation

GetFieldLengthProjectIssue Operation

WSDL: ProjectIssue.wsdl

Primary Key Field: ObjectId

Target Namespace:

Default Transport URLs:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ProjectIssueService?wsdl

https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ProjectIssueService?wsdl

Java Client Stub Class:


Issues are known problems within a project plan that require attention or corrective action. You can manually create issues, or you can generate issues in the Project Management application by defining project thresholds. You can associate these issues with work breakdown structure (WBS) elements, activities, or resources.

When you add an issue, you can assign a priority level, tracking layout, and responsible manager to the issue. An issue's tracking layout assignment is helpful when you want to quickly open the tracking layout that best displays the problem area. An issue's responsible manager assignment identifies the person responsible for addressing the issue. You can record historical details for the issue and e-mail issue details, along with your notes and the issue's history, to any member of the project's staff.

This business object supports user defined fields (UDFs). Use the UDFValue business object to assign UDFs.

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Last Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023