Resource Service


CreateResources Operation

ReadResources Operation

UpdateResources Operation

DeleteResources Operation

GetFieldLengthResource Operation

ReadResourcePath Operation

LoadActivities Operation

WSDL: Resource.wsdl

Primary Key Field: ObjectId

Target Namespace:

Default Transport URLs:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ResourceService?wsdl

https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ResourceService?wsdl

Java Client Stub Class:


Resources include the personnel and equipment that perform work on activities across all projects. Resources are always time-based and are generally reused between activities and/or projects. You can create a resource pool that reflects your organization's resource structure and supports the assignment of resources to activities. You can also distinguish between labor and nonlabor resources. You can create and assign resource calendars and define a resource's roles, contact information, and time-varying prices. If a resource uses Timesheets, you can also assign a login name and password to the resource.

Define a master list of resources consisting of the resources necessary to complete the projects in your enterprise structure. Then, group resources to create an easily accessible pool from which you can draw when assigning resources to a project. For each resource, set availability limits, unit prices, and a calendar to define its standard worktime and nonworktime, then allocate resources to the activities that require them. To enable grouping and rollups or your resources across the enterprise, set up resource codes and assign code values.

Resources are hierarchical and are different than expenses. While resources are time-based and generally extend across multiple activities and/or projects, expenses are one-time expenditures for non-reusable items required by activities. Expenses are not included when resources are leveled.

A resource may be specified as a primary resource when assigning to activities. An activity's primary resource is typically the resource who is responsible for coordinating an activity's work. Using Timesheets, the primary resource also updates the activity's start date, finish date, and expected end date. In addition, if an activity has any nonlabor resources, the primary resource may also be responsible for reporting the nonlabor resource's hours/units as well. With the exception of nonlabor resources, all other resources are responsible for reporting their own hours for assigned activities.

This business object supports user defined fields (UDFs) and codes. Use the UDFValue business object to assign UDFs, and the ResourceCodeAssignment business object to assign ResourceCodes.

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Last Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023