Shift Service


CreateShifts Operation

ReadShifts Operation

UpdateShifts Operation

DeleteShifts Operation

GetFieldLengthShift Operation

AddShiftPeriod Operation

RemoveShiftPeriod Operation

RemoveAllShiftPeriods Operation

GetShiftPeriodDurations Operation

WSDL: Shift.wsdl

Primary Key Field: ObjectId

Target Namespace:

Default Transport URLs:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ShiftService?wsdl

https://<hostname>:<port number>/p6ws/services/ShiftService?wsdl

Java Client Stub Class:


Shifts are used to define shift calendars for resources. A shift is comprised of one or more shift periods. The total duration of all shift periods in a shift always adds up to 24 hours, with one hour being the minimum shift period.

Shift hours are considered when calculating units and prices during leveling. The resource calendar is used to determine when the resource can work; the limits for that period are determined from the shift definition for that resource. The minimum resource availability for every shift must satisfy the minimum demand for the resource so that the resource can be leveled properly. Limits defined outside the boundaries of the shift definition are ignored. Since shifts are defined at the resource level, all projects are leveled using that resource according to the shift definition.

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Last Published Wednesday, February 1, 2023