ActivityCodeType REST Endpoints


Activity code types provide a way of classifying activity codes. Activity codes are user-defined codes to classify and categorize activities according to the organization's and project's needs. For example, if your organization has more than one location, you can create a Location code type with values such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. You can then associate activities with a specific location, such as New York. You can define activity codes at three different scopes: global activity codes, EPS activity codes, and project activity codes. You can assign global activity codes and values to activities in all projects. You can assign EPS and project activity codes and values to activities only in the EPS and project for which the codes were created. Each ActivityCode can have an unlimited number of values. You can change the scope of an ActivityCodeType from project to EPS, project to Global, and EPS to global. However, you cannot change the scope from EPS to project or from global to anything else. Within the EPS scope, you can always move an ActivityCodeType to a higher level in the EPS structure. However, moving it to a lower level or outside of the EPS hierarchy is possible only if the ActivityCodeType's values are not assigned to any activities. If the ActivityCodeType value assignment exists, an exception will be thrown.

Create ActivitiyCodeTypes
Method: post
Path: /activityCodeType
Delete ActivitiyCodeTypes
Method: delete
Path: /activityCodeType
Read ActivityCodeTypes
Method: get
Path: /activityCodeType
Update ActivitiyCodeTypes
Method: put
Path: /activityCodeType
View ActivitiyCodeType Field Length
Method: get
Path: /activityCodeType/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View ActivitiyCodeType fields
Method: get
Path: /activityCodeType/fields