ActivityOwner REST Endpoints


Activity owner objects provide a way to specify a user to be in charge of an activity for statusing in P6. Instead of assigning resources to activities, a user is able to assign a specific user to the activity. The activity owner, in conjunction with Contributor module access, gives users similar capabilities as a resource with Contributor module access.

Note that this business object has a multi-part object ID; its object ID is a combination of its activity object ID and its user object ID.

Create ActivityOwners
Method: post
Path: /activityOwner
Delete ActivityOwners
Method: delete
Path: /activityOwner
Read ActivityOwners
Method: get
Path: /activityOwner
Update ActivityOwners
Method: put
Path: /activityOwner
View ActivityOwner Field Length
Method: get
Path: /activityOwner/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View ActivityOwner fields
Method: get
Path: /activityOwner/fields