ActivityPeriodActual REST Endpoints


Activity period actuals represent the actual values on an activity during a financial period.

The following rules apply to activity period actuals:

  • They can be tracked only for in-progress or completed activities.
  • Negative values are allowed.
  • If both units and costs are simultaneously updated on a period actual instance, units are the driving value.
  • There is no relation between the units and costs on a period actual instance.
  • They must have at least one non-zero field value for a corresponding database record to exist.
  • Costs can be calculated only when a project default price per unit is defined.
  • Values for a particular resource type (labor, nonlabor, material) can be tracked at the activity level only if the activity has no resource assignments of the same type. If resource assignments exist, activity period actuals are derived from those assignments and cannot be edited.
  • If assignments exist, activity period actual values (labor, non labor, material) are calculated from resource assignments of the corresponding type.
  • For material resources, only ActualMaterialCost can be tracked.

Note that this business object has a multi-part object ID, which is a combination of its financial period object ID and its activity object ID.

Create ActivityPeriodActuals
Method: post
Path: /activityPeriodActual
Delete ActivityPeriodActuals
Method: delete
Path: /activityPeriodActual
Reads ActivityPeriodActuals.
Method: get
Path: /activityPeriodActual
Update ActivityPeriodActuals
Method: put
Path: /activityPeriodActual
View ActivityPeriodActuals Field Length
Method: get
Path: /activityPeriodActual/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View ActivityPeriodActuals fields
Method: get
Path: /activityPeriodActual/fields