CBS REST Endpoints


You can use Primavera Unifier to perform advanced cost, cash flow and earned value analysis on your P6 projects.

If your P6 deployment is integrated with Primavera Unifier, you can send P6 data to Primavera Unifier and import some data from Primavera Unifier back into P6. Once the link between a P6 project and a Primavera Unifier project and schedule sheet or summary sheet is set up, P6 will retrieve the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) from the Primavera Unifier project regularly.

Create CBSs
Method: post
Path: /cbs
Delete CBSs
Method: delete
Path: /cbs
Read CBSs
Method: get
Path: /cbs
Update CBSs
Method: put
Path: /cbs
View CBS Field Length
Method: get
Path: /cbs/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View CBS fields
Method: get
Path: /cbs/fields