FinancialPeriod REST Endpoints


Use customized financial periods to provide accurate display and reporting of actual units and costs. Rather than spreading costs evenly throughout the length of a project, users can view how actual costs were incurred by defining customized financial periods with a StartDate and EndDate. The minimum financial period duration is one day. Financial periods cannot overlap each other and do not have to be contiguous.

Past period actuals are stored at the activity and resource/role assignment level using the ActivityPeriodActual and ResourceAssignmentPeriodActual services.

You can not delete a financial period if there are existing activity or resource assignment period actual values stored. To delete a financial period with stored actual values, first use the ReadResourceAssignmentPeriodActuals operation of the ResourceAssignmentPeriodActual Service to load all resource assignment period actuals for that financial period, then delete each instance. Repeat the process for activity period actuals using the ReadActivityPeriodActuals operation of the ActivityPeriodActual Service.

Create FinancialPeriods
Method: post
Path: /financialPeriod
Delete FinancialPeriods
Method: delete
Path: /financialPeriod
Read FinancialPeriods
Method: get
Path: /financialPeriod
Update FinancialPeriods
Method: put
Path: /financialPeriod
View FinancialPeriod Field Length
Method: get
Path: /financialPeriod/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View FinancialPeriod fields
Method: get
Path: /financialPeriod/fields