ResourceCurve REST Endpoints


Resource curves enable you to specify how you want resource units or costs spread over the duration of an activity. Resource units and costs are distributed evenly during an activity unless you specify nonlinear distribution using curves.

You can assign a resource curve to any resource or role assignment on activities with a duration type of Fixed Duration and Units/Time or Fixed Duration and Units.

If timesheet data exists for the actuals, curves are ignored for the actuals and are spread using the timesheet data. Activities with timesheet data continue to spread the remaining units using the curve.


  • Resource curves do not support expenses. The Accrual Type will continue to spread the expenses.
  • Resource lag is taken into consideration. The curve should begin on the "lagged start date."
  • Resource curves are reflected in the Resource Usage Profile and Resource Usage Spreadsheet in the Project Management application.
Create ResourceCurve
Method: post
Path: /resourceCurve
Delete ResourceCurve
Method: delete
Path: /resourceCurve
Read ResourceCurve
Method: get
Path: /resourceCurve
Update ResourceCurve
Method: put
Path: /resourceCurve
View ResourceCurve Field Length
Method: get
Path: /resourceCurve/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View ResourceCurve fields
Method: get
Path: /resourceCurve/fields