TimesheetAudit REST Endpoints


The timesheet audit class facilitates reading the timesheet audit records, added to the PM database as triggered by user activity, one record at a time. Fields that can be loaded on the TimesheetAudit object include information about the approval and rejection history (e.g., reviewers and review dates), information about the timesheets (e.g., number of overhead, overtime, and project hours), and information about the audit (e.g, the date the timesheet audit was created). Timesheet audits are readonly.

Read TimesheetAudit
Method: get
Path: /timesheetAudit
View TimesheetAudit Field Length
Method: get
Path: /timesheetAudit/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View TimesheetAudit fields
Method: get
Path: /timesheetAudit/fields