UDFCode REST Endpoints


UDF codes, also known as issue codes, allow you to organize and categorize project issues in a way that is meaningful to you. Their UDF type is 'Code.' For example, you can create a UDF Code, Severity, and subsequently create code values: 'High', 'Medium', and 'Low'. You can assign each of these code values to project issues across multiple projects, enabling you to categorize each project issue according how severe it is. UDF codes are stored in a non-hierarchical list.

Create UDFCodes
Method: post
Path: /udfCode
Delete UDFCodes
Method: delete
Path: /udfCode
Read UDFCodes
Method: get
Path: /udfCode
Update UDFCodes
Method: put
Path: /udfCode
View UDFCode Field Length
Method: get
Path: /udfCode/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View UDFCode fields
Method: get
Path: /udfCode/fields