UDFType REST Endpoints


User-defined fields (UDFs) enable users to add custom fields and values to the project database. For example, additional activity data, such as delivery dates and purchase order numbers, can be tracked. Business objects that support UDFs are Activity, ActivityExpense, ActivityStep, ActivityStepTemplateItem, Document, Project, ProjectIssue, ProjectRisk, Resource, ResourceAssignment, and WBS. Note that UDFs with a data type of Code may only be assigned to ProjectIssues.

Use the UDFValue Service to assign a UDF to a particular business object.

Create UDFTypes
Method: post
Path: /udfType
Delete UDFTypes
Method: delete
Path: /udfType
Read UDFTypes
Method: get
Path: /udfType
Update UDFTypes
Method: put
Path: /udfType
View UDFType Field Length
Method: get
Path: /udfType/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View UDFType fields
Method: get
Path: /udfType/fields