UnitOfMeasure REST Endpoints


The unit of measure provides definitions of units of measure for material resources. There are three types of resources. The unit of measure for labor and nonlabor resources is time. The unit of measure for material resources is defined by the UnitOfMeasure object.

Create UnitOfMeasures
Method: post
Path: /unitOfMeasure
Delete UnitOfMeasures
Method: delete
Path: /unitOfMeasure
Read UnitOfMeasures
Method: get
Path: /unitOfMeasure
Update UnitOfMeasures
Method: put
Path: /unitOfMeasure
View UnitOfMeasure Field Length
Method: get
Path: /unitOfMeasure/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View UnitOfMeasure fields
Method: get
Path: /unitOfMeasure/fields