WBSMilestone REST Endpoints


WBS milestones are weighted milestones assigned at the WBS level that can be used for calculating performance percent complete

For each WBS element, set the EarnedValueComputeType to be WBS_MILESTONES_PERCENT_COMPLETE, then define as many milestones as you need and assign a level of significance or weight to each of them. As progress occurs and you mark each milestone complete, the WBS element's performance percent complete is calculated based on the weight of the milestone, independent of its lower-level activities.

Create WBSMilestone
Method: post
Path: /wbsMilestone
Delete WBSMilestone
Method: delete
Path: /wbsMilestone
Read WBSMilestone
Method: get
Path: /wbsMilestone
Update WBSMilestone
Method: put
Path: /wbsMilestone
View Project Field Length
Method: get
Path: /wbsMilestone/getFieldLength/{fieldName}
View Project fields
Method: get
Path: /wbsMilestone/fields