Read LeanTasks
Reads LeanTask objects from the database.
Query Parameters
Fields(required): string
Fields to loadExample:
Filter(required): string
Supported Filter Operators - :gt:, :lt:, :eq:, :gte:, :lte:, :and:, :or:Example:
ObjectId IN(1,2) :and: CreateDate:gte:'2021-04-20' :and: LastUpdateDate:lt:'2022-04-20' :and: Name :like: 'abc%'
OrderBy(required): string
OrderBy conditionExample:
ObjectId desc
Header Parameters
OAuth token
There's no request body for this operation.
Back to TopResponse
Supported Media Types
- application/json
200 Response
Root Schema : List<LeanTask>
Show Source
Array of:
object LeanTask
LeanTask Entity
Nested Schema : LeanTask
LeanTask Entity
Show Source
ActivityId: string
The short ID that uniquely identifies the activity to which the lean task is assigned.
ActivityName: string
The name of the activity to which the lean task is assigned.
ActivityObjectId: integer
The unique ID of the activity to which the lean task is assigned.
Company: string
The company associated with the lean task in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
CompletedDate: string
The date the lean task was completed.
CreateDate: string
The date the lean task was created.
CreateUser: string
The name of the user that created this lean task.
DueDate: string
The date the lean task is due.
Duration: number
Number of days required for task to complete.
Flag: boolean
The indication of whether the lean task is considered high importance.
IsBaseline: boolean
Determines whether the object is associated with a baseline (true) or a project (false).
IsOverdue: boolean
Shows whether the due date for the lean task is earlier than the current date.
IsTemplate: boolean
Determines whether the object is associated with a template project in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
IsUseOnlyWorkDays: boolean
Determines whether the object is set to use only working days in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
LastUpdateDate: string
The date the lean task was last updated.
LastUpdateUser: string
The name of the user that last updated this lean task.
LeanTaskId: string
The short ID that uniquely identifies the lean task.
Name: string
The name of the lean task in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
ObjectId: integer
The primary key of the lean task in the P6 EPPM database.
ProjectId: string
The short ID that uniquely identifies the project to which the lean task is assigned.
ProjectObjectId: integer
The unique ID of the project to which the lean task is assigned.
ProposedDueDate: string
The proposed due date of the lean task in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
SequenceNumber: integer
Denotes the creation order of lean tasks relative to each other.
StartDate: string
The date the lean task was started or is due to start.
Status: string
The status of the lean task in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
StatusCompletion: string
The completion status of the lean task in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
StatusDates: string
A comparison of the dates of the lean task and the activity to which it is assigned.
TaskType: string
The type of the lean task in Oracle Primavera Cloud.
WBSObjectId: integer
The unique ID of the WBS to which the lean task is assigned.
400 Response
Bad Request.
401 Response
403 Response
404 Response
Not Found.
405 Response
Invalid Input.
500 Response
Internal Server Error.