What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.12

December 2022

Previous Releases: 22.11, 22.10, 22.9, 22.8, 22.7, 22.6, 22.5, 22.4, 22.3, 22.2, 22.1


Oracle Guided Learning Application ID Available in P6 Application Settings

The Application ID for Oracle Guided Learning is available on the General Page of Application Settings in P6

Cloud Administration

Oracle Analytics Server Configuration Settings Available in P6 Application Settings

The configuration, admin username, and admin password required to connect Oracle Analytics Server to P6 are available on the Reports Page of Application Settings in P6.

This setting is still available in the Primavera P6 Administrator for our on-premises customers, but has been added to the Application Administration pages for the convenience of our cloud customers.

Scheduled Services

Run Project Scheduled Services Against a Group of Projects According to Their EPS Node or Portfolio

You can select EPS nodes and portfolios in the project settings of the service when you create or modify project scheduled services. If you select an EPS node, the scheduled service will run against all the projects in that EPS node and all its child nodes. If you select a filtered portfolio, the portfolio is refreshed before the scheduled service runs against all the projects belonging to that portfolio. If you select a manual portfolio, the scheduled service will run against all the projects belonging to that portfolio at the time when the service runs.

Importing and Exporting

Import Primavera XER Files To P6

If you have the appropriate privileges, you can import Primavera XER files to P6 on an ad-hoc basis. On the EPS page, from the Actions menu, select Import/Export Projects, select the Import tab and on the Import Type list select Primavera XER. You can also import a zip files containing an XER file. You can see the progress of the import job in the View Service Status dialog box.

Further Enhancements to Exporting Projects in US Department of Energy's CPP Format

Relationships to activities outside the scope of the project are represented with links to milestone activities. These milestones provide vital insight into the activities in the project that might be delayed by external factors.

CPP template files and the xlsx file containing the details of mapped activities can be imported into P6.

The P6 service to export to CPP format generates a job log that outlines:

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.11

November 2022

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Manipulate Resource Assignment Codes Using P6 REST API

APIs have been added to the REST service for P6 EPPM for ResourceAssignmentCode, ResourceAssignmentCodeType, ResourceAssignmentCodeAssignment.


Export Primavera XER Files From P6

You can export Primavera XER files in P6 on an ad-hoc basis. On the EPS page, from the Actions menu, select Import/Export Projects, select the Export tab and on the Export Type list select Primavera XER. You can also select to export the files to a zip file. Once the export has completed, you can download the file from the View Service Status dialog box.

Export Projects in US Department of Energy's CPP format

When you export projects from P6, you can select to export in the CPP format used by the US Department of Energy (DOE). The resulting files can be downloaded in a zip file from the View Service Status dialog box. The zip file contains four JSON files:

Along with the project files, there is an option for P6 to export two template files. These files are exported separately from the CPP files:

To populate the CPP project, you must map the relevant CPP fields to appropriately configured codes, UDFs, or notebook topics. The Auto Map feature searches P6 codes, UDFs, and notebook topics for names matching the required CPP fields and configures the mapping accordingly. Alternatively, you can create the mapping manually or use a mixture of manual mapping and Auto Map to populate the map.

Ease of Use

View a Legend for Gantt Charts in P6

To help you identify the different bars in use on the Gantt charts in the Activities, EPS, and Assignments pages, you can show a legend. The legend lists the bar types and colors that are defined. On the Activities page, the legend also shows whether the relationship lines and non-driving relationship lines options are switched on.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.10

October 2022

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Ease of Use

See the Order Activities Were Selected

When you select multiple activities, a number shows beside each selected activity to indicate the order in which they were selected. This is helpful for example to give a clearer insight into the chain that will be created when you select to link the activities.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.9

September 2022

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P6 EPPM Web Services

Schedule Multiple Projects Using P6 EPPM Web Services

You can schedule multiple projects together using P6 EPPM Web Services. Scheduling projects together is important to ensure that any cross-project relationships are considered when calculating early and late dates for your project.

The ProjectObjectId element can accept a comma separated list of project IDs, the first of which will be used for supplying the scheduling options for the job. The NewDataDate element can be left null in which case all projects scheduled will use their own data date. If the NewDataDate element supplies a date, that date is used as the new data date for all projects being scheduled by the job. The new element EPSObjectId can accept a comma separated list of EPS Object IDs to enable the job to schedule all projects in the specified EPS nodes. The new element PortfolioObjectId can accept a comma separated list of Porfolio Object IDs to enable the job to schedule all projects in the specified portfolios. You must supply at least one ProjectObjectId, even if you intend to schedule only by EPS nodes or Portfolios, to provide the scheduling options.

Relationships Service Requires LagProjectId to be Specified With the Driving field

A new field has been added to the Relationship fields of the Relationships service. When you use the Driving field to create, read, update, or delete relationships, you must also use the LagProjectId field. The LagProjectId is the ProjectObjectId for the predecessor activity of the relationship.

Ease of Use

Expand All and Collapse All Buttons Added to the Activities, EPS, and Assignments Pages

You can expand and collapse the entire hierarchy on the Activities, EPS, Project Assignments, and Resource Assignments pages. Expand All and Collapse All buttons are available on the page or you can use the shortcuts Alt + = (Alt and equals) to expand all branches of the hierarchy and Alt + - (Alt and minus) to collapse all branches of the hierarchy.

Expanded and Collapsed State of Hierarchies are Retained After a Page Refresh

When you save data or refresh a page (either using the browser's refresh functionality or the refresh button in P6), the expanded and collapsed state of each branch of the hierarchy is maintained.

Publishing Services

Schedule the Publishing of Project Data

You can create project scheduled services to publish project and baseline data regularly. You can create multiple services to publish different projects at different times. You can use the publish service to publish the projects you specify, all projects in a specified EPS node, a set of projects defined by a project code assignment, and all projects in a specified portfolio.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.8

August 2022

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Previous Releases: 22.7, 22.6.

Primavera Virtual Desktop

Upgrade Secure Global Desktop Client for Primavera Virtual Desktop

Secure Global Desktop release 5.6.567 is now available. The Secure Global Desktop client is required for Primavera Virtual Desktop. You must remove the previous version of Secure Global Desktop client and install the new version to continue working in Primavera Virtual Desktop. When you install the new version of Secure Global Desktop client, you must allow sharing of at least Files, Clipboard, and Printers when prompted.

Role Usage

Exclude Availability of Inactive Resources From Role Usage

You can choose whether to include the Max Units/Time of inactive resources assigned the relevant role when viewing role limits. In My Preferences, in the Resources section of the Global tab, select the 'Exclude inactive resources' option in the 'Display the role limit based on' section.

Codes and UDFs

View Codes and UDFs at Grouping Level

You can see Code and UDF assignments for grouping nodes. The data in the detail windows visible for grouping bands is read-only.

- On the Activities page, you can select a project grouping band to see Project Codes and Project UDFs, or a WBS grouping band to see WBS UDFs.

- On the Assignments page, you can select a project grouping band to see Project Codes and Project UDFs, a WBS grouping band to see WBS UDFs, an Activity grouping band to see Activity Codes and Activity UDFs, a Resource grouping band to see Resource Codes and Resource UDFs, or a Role grouping band to see Role Codes and Role UDFs.

Group the Resource Analysis and Role Analysis Charts by Assignment Code

The Group By list on the Chart of the Resource and Role Analysis views allows you to group the chart by assignment code.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.7

July 2022

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Project Preferences

Configure Project Preferences for Multiple Projects Simultaneously

If you need to make changes to the preference for multiple projects simultaneously, you can make the changes to the highest relevant EPS node. When you open the project preferences dialog box for an EPS node, it shows the application defaults for all the settings and fields. All changes you make to the fields, options, and lists in the project preferences dialog box at EPS level will be applied to all visible child projects in all visible child EPS nodes of the selected EPS node. Projects that are not selected to show in your view will not be modified when you change project preferences at the EPS level. If you do not want to apply the change to all child projects of the selected EPS node, apply a filter to your view. If you want to change a setting back to the default for all visible projects, change that setting to a different value and then change it back to the default value before applying your changes.

Cloud Administration

Advanced Installation Option to Restrict Cloud Users of P6 Professional Installing Standalone Databases

In the Drivers section of the P6 Professional (x64) install options, clear the option for P6 Professional Standalone (SQLite) Database to prevent users from installing local standalone versions of P6 Professional.

In the P6 Pro OCI Deployment Utility for deploying ClickOnce installations, clear the option for P6 Pro Standalone (SQLite) in the Supported Drivers section to prevent users from installing local standalone versions of P6 Professional.

When using JSON and XML, enclose a string tag containing the text SQLite inside UnsupportedDrivers tags to prevent users from installing local standalone versions of P6 Professional.

When installing from the command line, use the DeleteDriver value of the /action parameter to remove the database type specified by the /dbtype parameter. You can also use the /bootstrapFile parameter to modify the bootstrap file.

Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) and Identity and Access Management (IAM)

P6 EPPM documentation uses the term 'identity management domain' to refer to any identity and access management system in use with the product. P6 EPPM on the cloud currently supports the use of Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) and will soon support Identity and Access Management (IAM). P6 EPPM on-premises supports the use of domain systems listed in the Tested Configurations document.


Open Projects to the Activities Page Quickly and Efficiently

The Project ID and Name in the EPS page are hyperlinks. You can click the link to add the project to the list of open projects and open the Activities page. Alternatively, use the Open Project to the Activities Page item on the Row Actions menu.

Resource Planning

Set Forecast Start and Forecast Finish in the EPS Page of P6

The Forecast Start Date and Forecast Finish Date fields are editable on the EPS Page. The forecast start and finish dates can be used for synchronizing resource dates in the resource planning page.


Configure Advanced Tab Options for Importing Multiple Projects and Baselines

When you import a Primavera XML file (or a zipped Primavera XML file) that contains multiple projects or multiple baselines, you can set options on the Advanced tab of the Import template. The advanced tab of the import template allows you to specify how to handle the import of codes, user defined fields, calendars, and resources in the import file.


Improved Efficiency When Assigning Codes

The Assign Codes panel allows you to assign multiple codes without the need to open and close the selection box each time. You can assign and remove code assignments swiftly and efficiently, while moving between activities, resources, resource assignments, roles, role assignments, projects, or issues in their respective pages in the main window. You can also search for a specific code or code value to assign, filter the available codes when assigning activity codes, remove code assignments, and add new codes and code values.


P6 Enabled for Oracle Guided Learning

P6 has been enabled for Guided Learning, an Oracle technology that provides in-app training via interactive, step-by-step guides.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.6

June 2022

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P6 Team Member Web

Grid View Introduced for P6 Team Member Web Timesheets Page

You can choose to view the Timesheets page in P6 Team Member Web as a grid with a similar look and feel to P6. The Grid View includes all the same information as the card view, but allows access to more data columns and enhances your use of the Timesheets page with access to filters, grouping and sorting. You can also add and remove columns in the main grid and add and remove rows in the spreadsheet area. The detail panel of the grid view shows the discussions associated with the selected timesheet row.

You can switch between the Classic and Grid views of the timesheets page and the data you entered and filters you applied will be retained.

P6 Professional

Enable Project Publication in P6 Professional

P6 Professional users can enable the publication of a project, set the publishing priority, view the last published date, specify whether to publish high level resource planning data or detailed activity resource assignments, and enable publication of baselines. Changing these settings and options in P6 Professional also changes them in P6.

Role Usage

Improvement to the Role Usage Chart

When assigning roles to activities, you can choose whether to see the role's usage between dates you specify, for the duration of the activity, for 15 timescale periods of the chart from the project data date if only one project is open, or from the earliest project data date for the activities selected in the grid if more than one project is open.

Resource Analysis

Resource Analysis Page Shows Only Relevant Projects

When you filter the Resource Analysis Page by All Projects, P6 hides from the view projects in which the selected resource or role does not have published spread data during the selected Spreadsheet Range.

Check Schedule

Dangling Start and Dangling Finish Checks Added to Check Schedule

Two new checks in the Check Schedule report asses the schedule for activities with start dates that are not driven by predecessors (Dangling Start) and finish dates that do not drive successors (Dangling Finish).


Assign Predecessors and Successors to Multiple Activities Simultaneously

You can select activities in the grid and on the Assign Relationships panel to assign the same successors and predecessors to all selected activities. The relationships between the new predecessors and successors are created as Finish to Start.

You can also remove successors or predecessors from activities in the grid and on the Assign Relationships panel simultaneously.


Greater Flexibility in Copying Relationships with WBS Elements

When copying and pasting WBS elements, you can choose to copy relationships to activities outside the WBS elements you are copying.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.5

May 2022

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Specify How Finish Date Filters Define Their Timeframe

A new option called Finish date filters use start of Current Date, Week, and Month has been introduced in the Date Filters section of the General page of Application Settings.

Since release 20.4, filters comparing any finish date to the current day, week, or month define the timeframe based on the end of the day, week, or month. You can select the new option to revert to the previous default behaviour which always defined the timeframe based on the beginning of the day, week, or month even when comparing against finish dates.

This option benefits customers upgrading from a release earlier than 20.4 who require their existing filter definitions to work consistently after upgrade.

Global Data

Enterprise Data Usage Analysis Feature Complete

The Analyze Data Usage button has been added to all the pages for which you can analyze enterprise data usage. It is no longer necessary to configure the analysis parameters when you analyze enterprise data usage.

The names of the columns added to the view when you analyze data usage have been standardized.

The link in the Project Count column has been implemented on all pages. This link opens a dialog box that lists all the projects and baselines that use the associated data item. This project list obeys your access privileges, so the number of projects in the Project Count column and the number of projects and baselines listed for you might be different if there are projects to which you do not have access that are using the associated data item.

P6 mobile

Improvements to the Approvals Page in P6 for Android and P6 for iOS

The Approvals page honors the Display Activity ID and Display Project ID options on the Preferences page of Settings.

You can group the status updates list by project, resource, or review status to focus on the status updates important to you.

When you reject a status update, you can remove fields that are unrelated to your rejection of the status update from the rejection report. For example, if a resource has correctly updated the Actual Start but provided the incorrect Remaining Duration, when you reject the status update, click the trash can icon against the Actual Start field to remove it from the rejection report. The entire status update, including the updated Actual Start will be rejected, but the rejection report will only list the Remaining Duration field as being incorrect.

When you override a status update that includes a change to a code value, you can search for alternative code values to assign. If you have the appropriate privileges, you can also add new code values.

Importing and Exporting

P6 Can Import and Export Zipped Files

You can select to compress exported files when you export projects from P6 to Primavera XML format. You can also import zip files containing Primavera XML files into P6.

When you export to Primavera XML format, select the Export to zip option in the export wizard to export all the selected projects to a single XML file inside a zip file. You can download the zip file from the View Service Status dialog box when the export is complete.

When you import from Primavera XML format you can select a zip file as the import file. If the zip file contains multiple XML files, only the file with the same name as the zip will be imported. If the zip contains only one XML file, the name of the zip and XML file need not match.


Improved Efficiency When Assigning Predecessors and Successors

The Assign Relationship panel allows you to assign multiple predecessors and successors without the need to open and close the selection box each time. You can assign both predecessors and successors in the same panel, moving between activities in the main window swiftly and efficiently. Search for a specific activity to assign, or filter the available activities by project, WBS, start, or finish.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.4

April 2022

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Configure Notification Settings From P6

You can configure the settings that allow team members to receive daily emails about timesheets and status updates and the settings to allow users to receive emails when issues are created or modified in the Application Settings page of P6. These settings were previously available in the Primavera P6 Administrator.

Team Usage and Resource Analysis

Improved Data Visibility in Team Usage and Resource Analysis

In the Customize View dialog box of the Team Usage and Resource Analysis pages, you can select to include assignments in restricted projects in your view. This option adds a single row in the view showing that the resource or role has assignments in projects you are not permitted to access. This option does not grant access to any data of the projects outside your OBS assignment. It provides only aggregated data for all assignments for the selected resource or role to projects you are not allowed to view.

Improvement to the Resource Usage Chart

When assigning resources to activities, you can choose whether to see the resource's usage between dates you specify, for the duration of the activity, or for 15 timescale periods of the chart from the project data date.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.3

March 2022

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Greater Flexibility for Grouping Views by Hierarchical Data Items

When you group a view by a hierarchical data item and select to group to level 1, all data items are shown under the root data item of the hierarchical structure. You can select the Collapse to single level option to group data items by their immediate parent, regardless of the parent's position in the hierarchy.

Global Data

Unused or Unwanted Global Data Enhancements

You can now manage overhead codes.

In the Notebook Topics, WBS Categories, Expense Categories, Locations, Overhead Codes, and Document Categories pages, the value in the Project Count column is a link that shows a list of the projects using the corresponding data item. The value in the Project Count column shows the actual number of projects and baselines using the corresponding data item, regardless of your project access. However when you click the link, the list of projects you see is limited by your project access.


Improvements to Timesheets in P6 Team Member Web

The following changes have been made to improve your experience working with timesheets in P6 Team Member Web:


Extra Columns Available For Viewing in the Assignments Pages

On the Assignments pages of the Resources and Projects sections, you can add columns to your view to show the Project Owner, Project Location, and Resource Location.

Project Check

Project Check Reports for P6

The Project Checker report checks for problems with unique key constraints, foreign key constraints, and violations of the P6 EPPM business rules. Run the Project Checker from the Actions menu of the Activities page and download the report on the View Service Status tab. You can also run the Project Checker as a Project Scheduled Service. If you run the Project Checker as a service, you can specify that the report should be sent by email when the job completes.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.2

February 2022

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Global Data

Unused or Unwanted Global Data Enhancements

You can now manage notebook topics at all levels, WBS categories, expense categories, document categories, locations, and overhead codes. For these pages, the process is a more efficient one-click action. The Analyze Data Usage button adds extra columns to the view, showing the number of projects in which each data item is used, the date the item was most recently updated, and the most recent dates a project in which the item is assigned was updated, summarized, published, and scheduled.

Schedule Check

Enhanced Schedule Check

When you run the schedule check, you can select to use the parameters from any open project. If you change the parameters, the changes are saved only for the project you select. You can drill down to and open the projects and activities mentioned in the report to take corrective action.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

What's New - Primavera P6 EPPM 22.1

January 2022

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Global Data

Unused or Unwanted Global Data Enhancements

You can now manage cost accounts, funding sources, baseline types, and resource codes.

Filters and Views

Remove Your Own Access to Multiple User Views and Filters

You can remove yourself from the Selected Users list of multiple user views and filters. On the Access tab of the Manage User Views dialog box or of the Manage Filters dialog box, select your name and then select Remove Users from Selected Users. Removing yourself as a user from Multiple User views and filters you do not use helps you to focus your attention on the views and filters you do.

Delete Multiple Views Simultaneously

In the Manage Views dialog box, you can select multiple views in the list and delete them all with a single click.


Delete Assignments Directly in the Assignments Pages

You can delete resource and role assignments in the Assignments Pages of the Projects and Resources sections. Select the assignments you want to delete and select the delete option from the Row Actions menu.


Assign Responsible Manager when Pasting Projects

When you paste a copied or cut project to an EPS node with a different Responsible Manager from its original EPS, the pasted project and its child WBS nodes will take the Responsible Manager of the new parent EPS node.

How can I find out what is different between releases?

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we have made between releases.

Last Published Wednesday, December 7, 2022