Grid View Format of the Planning Page of the Resources Section


Use the Planning Grid to display high level resource and role assignment data in a table format.

Screen Elements

Row Actions menu

Expand All: Enables you to see all of the items in the hierarchical list. To see this option, hover over a grouping band.

Collapse All: Enables you to hide subordinate items in the hierarchical list. To see this option, hover over a grouping band.

Split Resource Assignments: Enables you to some of the assign the total units allocated for the selected resource assignment to another resource or role. To see this option, hover over an assignment row.

Cut: Enables you to cut an assignment. To see this option, hover over an assignment row.

Copy: Enables you to copy an assignment. To see this option, hover over an assignment row.

Paste: Enables you to paste a cut or copied assignment. To see this option, hover over an assignment row.

Delete: Deletes the selected resource or role assignment. To see this option, hover over an assignment row.

Planning Table columns

% Allocation field

The percentage of the resource or role's Maximum Units/Time that is allocated to the selected project level assignment.

When you change the % Allocation field, P6 assigns the specified percentage of the resource or role's maximum units per time to the selected project. This does not consider their existing allocations and can therefore cause them to become overallocated. Changing the resource or role's allocation recalculates the total units for the assignment and the corresponding spread of allocated units in the spreadsheet.

Committed option

Determines whether the resource is committed to the project. If a resource is committed to a project, their availability for high level resource planning for other projects is adjusted accordingly.

Finish Date field

The finish date for the assignment. If the Life of Project option is selected, this date is the same as the Forecast Finish Date. If the Life of Project option is cleared, you can select a finish date for the planning assignment.

Forecast Finish Date field

The planned finish date of a project or WBS based on a what-if scenario designed to simulate project performance and outcomes and to plan resource allocation.

Life of Project option

Determines that the assignment is for the entire duration of the project. When the Life of Project option is selected for an assignment, you cannot directly edit its start and finish dates. Use Synchronize Resource Dates on the Actions menu to set the the start of the assignment to the Project Forecast Start and the finish of the assignment to the Forecast Finish Date.

Name field

The name of the resource. This column is always visible on this page.

Project Forecast Start field

The planned start date of the project based on a what-if scenario designed to simulate project performance and outcomes.

Resource ID field

The unique identifier for the resource. This column is always visible on this page.

Resource Type field

The type of resource/role assignment.

Valid values are:

Labor: Indicates that the selected resource performs labor, which is measured in units of time.

Nonlabor: Indicates that the selected resource does not perform labor, but its work is measured in units of time.

Material: Indicates that the selected resource does not perform labor, and its work is measured in units you specify.

Role ID field

The unique identifier of the associated role.

Role Name field

The name of the role assigned to the resource.

Search Criteria field

Indicates whether the assignment has any associated search criteria with a Yes or No link.

When search criteria have been specified, this field shows a Yes link that provides access to the stored resource request search criteria used to search for a qualified resource.

When you assign a resource using the Request Resources feature with your custom resource search criteria, the search criteria you specify is saved. A Yes link appears in the Search Criteria column beside the assignment, indicating search criteria is specified. This saved search criteria can be useful later if you ever need to modify the resource assignment and want to reuse the same criteria.

A No link appears when the assignment was made directly without any search criteria; however, you can click the No link to specify search criteria for the resource or role assignment.

Start Date field

The start date for the assignment. If the Life or Project option is selected, this date is the same as the Project Forecast Start. If the Life of Project option is cleared, you can select a start date for the planning assignment.

Status field

The current status of the assignment, used to classify assignments. Valid values are None, Draft, Filled, and Submitted.

Total Units field

The resource or role units allocated to the project. You can enter a number of units as hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

Getting Here

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Planning.
  3. Click Grid View.

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