Schedules Detail Window of the Reports Page


Use this detail window to manage one or more scheduled reports. The same report can be configured with multiple scheduled variations. For example, a listing can be generated as a PDF and delivered through email daily to one person, but delivered just once per week to another.

Screen Elements

Add Schedule... button

Enables you to add and schedule a new report. The new scheduled report job is added to the table.

Run... button

Enables you to configure options for running the selected scheduled report on-demand.

Customize View

Opens the Customize View dialog box.


Searches the view or dialog box for data matching the criteria entered into the box.

Row Actions menu

Add: Creates a new item.

Delete: Removes the selected item permanently.

Run: Enables you to configure options for running the selected scheduled report on-demand.

View History: Enables you to view details about the report jobs for the selected report. Details include the date and time each job was run and its status.

View Details: Enables you to view details for the schedule.

Duplicate: Enables you to create and configure a new schedule based on the selected report schedule.

Schedule Name field

The name for the report schedule. A single report can have multiple schedule names.

Delivery Type field

The way users will access or take delivery of this report. On-demand reports can be delivered by email as attachments or downloaded as files. You can only deliver scheduled reports by email.

Enabled option

Determines whether the selected report schedule is actively generating output as defined by its scheduling settings. When this option is selected, the schedule is active. When this option is cleared, the schedule remains in the list with all its settings but no future report output is actually generated.

Finish Date field

The date and time for the last report output in the schedule.

Report Location field

The path to the predefined source report in the folders shared by P6 and your P6 reporting software.

Report Name field

The title for the report defined in your P6 reporting software.

Report Recipients field

The distribution list showing each Email user set to receive the report.

Run Type field

The recurrence pattern of the scheduled report job.

For example, run once, daily, weekly, or monthly.

Schedule ID field

A unique system-generated identifier assigned by your P6 reporting software to each report schedule.

Start Date field

The date and time for the first report output in the schedule.

Status field

The state of the scheduled report.

Results are:

Completed: All scheduled runs are complete.

Failed: An error occurred during the scheduled run and a report did not generate.

Pending: The entire scheduled report run is not complete.

Suspended: The Enabled field is cleared and the scheduled report run will not continue until the Enabled field is selected.

User field

The identifier for the user who created the scheduled job.


Click and drag the fields in the detail window to reorder their sequence of appearance.

Getting Here

  1. Click Reports.
  2. On the Reports tab:
    1. Select a report and click the detail window.

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Last Published Thursday, July 25, 2024