Set the options on this tab to determine how your scheduled report output will be generated, formatted, and delivered.
Screen Elements
Schedule Name field
The name for the report schedule. A single report can have multiple schedule names.
Report Name field
The title for the report defined in your P6 reporting software.
Template list
The template you want to use to apply style to the report data.
Output Format list
The file formats that you can use for file output.
Delivery Type field
The way users will access or take delivery of this report. On-demand reports can be delivered by email as attachments or downloaded as files. You can only deliver scheduled reports by email.
Email Options icon
Launches the Send Email dialog box used to enter all email recipients for the selected report.
Notification options
Determine the types of email status notifications the user who scheduled the report should receive when the scheduled report attempts to run.
Report Completed: Determines whether email is sent if the report is delivered without errors.
Report Complete with warnings: Determines whether email is sent if the report is delivered, but has errors.
Report Failed: Determines whether email is sent if the report failed to run.
Report Parameters table
If a report has field parameters predefined in your P6 reporting software, they will appear here in P6. You must specify report parameter values in order to generate valid output.
Note: To avoid system performance issues, be as specific as possible when entering values for reports. Narrow down your choices to include only what is absolutely necessary.
Field Name field
The key field used by P6 to construct valid data for each specific instance of report output.
Value field
The parameter value for the field displayed in the Field Name column.
The data entered in a text field must be accurate, or the report will fail to run.
- In the Report Parameters table, when you click
Browse to select a PROJECT ID, a familiar Select Projects dialog box appears where you can group, search, and select projects by EPS, portfolio, or project code.
- In the Report Parameters table, when you click
Browse to select a RESOURCE ID, a familiar Select Resource dialog box appears where you can filter, search, and select resources by type, primary role, resource code, or team.
Getting Here
- Click Reports.
- On the Reports page:
- Click the Reports tab.
- Select a report, and then click the Schedule detail window.
- In the Schedule detail window, click Add (Ins).
- In the Report Setting dialog box, click the Options tab.