Dashboards Page


Use this page to view and work with dashboards where you can arrange portlets containing information about the portfolios, projects, resources, and activities specific to your needs. The information in dashboards is controlled by your module access, security settings, administrator configuration, user interface view settings, activity and project assignments, filtering criteria, and how you customize your content and layout.

Note: The Dashboards page displays dashboards available to you as defined in your user interface view. If you have no user interface view, the default Personal Workspace dashboard will appear when you first log into the application.

You can customize the Dashboards page to display user-defined (private), multi-user, and global dashboards. Each dashboard appears as a named tab on the Dashboards page.

Screen Elements

Expand All link

Expands all portlets revealing the data inside each one.

Collapse All link

Collapses all portlets hiding their data and displaying only their title bars.

Customize link

Click to customize the content, layout, and access of dashboards if you have the required security privilege.

Filter by field

The portfolio, project code, or project that the application uses to filter the dashboard. The portlets only display information that meets the selected filtering criteria.

All data displayed on a dashboard is filtered by the portfolio, project code value, or project. For example, the Project Health portlet only displays performance and schedule information for projects that meet the selected filtering criteria.

You can change the Filter by option for a private (user-defined) dashboard, and for any multi-user or global dashboard you create. For multi-user and global dashboards you have access rights to view, you can change the Filter by option only if the Restrict users from changing dashboard filter option is not selected on the Customize Dashboard page.



Getting Here

Click Dashboards.

Related Topics

About Dashboards

Working with Dashboards

Customizing Dashboards

Customize Dashboard Page

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Last Published Thursday, July 25, 2024