Set resource analysis options

  1. Choose Edit, User Preferences.
  2. Click the Resource Analysis tab.
  3. In the All Projects section, specify the extent of information you want to gather from closed projects when calculating remaining units and costs for spreadsheet, profiles, and tracking layouts. (Closed projects are any projects in the enterprise project structure (EPS) that are not currently open.)
  4. To include live data from all open projects and stored summary data from all closed projects (excluding those with a what-if status), choose All Closed Projects (Except What-If Projects).
  5. To include live data from all open projects and stored summary data from all closed projects with a specific leveling priority, choose Closed All Projects with Leveling Priority Equal/Higher Than, then specify the leveling priority you want to use. (Specify the leveling priority per project in the General tab of the Projects window.) This value is used to consider applicable external projects' (those not included in the current layout) when deducting from resource availability immediately during leveling.
  6. Choose Open Projects Only to exclude resource data from external (closed) projects in the remaining units and cost values for resource profiles/spreadsheets and tracking layouts.
  7. In the Time-Distributed Data section, choose a starting point for calculating remaining units and costs for resource profiles and spreadsheet displays and in tracking layouts.
  8. To focus on the current remaining estimate, choose Remaining Early Dates.
  9. To focus on values calculated from a forecast date, choose Forecast Dates.
  10. Select the interval at which live resource and cost calculations are performed for resource profiles and spreadsheets and in tracking layouts—hour, day, week, or month. Profiles, spreadsheets, and layouts are affected only if their timescale interval is set lower than the interval set in the Interval for Time-Distributed Resource Calculations field.
  11. Choose to display role limits based on custom role limits defined in the Roles dictionary or the calculated limit of each role's primary resource. You can view role limits in spreadsheets, charts, and histograms that display role data in P6 Professional.


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