Import/Export file formats

You can import and export between P6 Professional and other applications using the following file formats:

Differences Between XML and XER Export Formats

The following table compares the features and benefits of both formats for exporting project data. An X represents that a particular format is better suited for that functionality.




Data formats

XER is proprietary.

XML is an industry-standard format.



Multiple projects

XER supports exporting multiple projects at once to a single XER file.

XML supports exporting multiple projects at once to a single XML file.



Baseline Export

XER does not support the export of baselines.

XML supports the export of baselines.



Job Services

XER supports scheduling exports on a regular basis as services.

XML does not.



Differences Between XML and XER Import Formats

The following table compares the features and benefits of both formats for importing project data. A checkmark represents that a particular format is better suited for that functionality.





XML always enforces individual user security settings, and never violates your security restrictions. If there is a security conflict, the import will try to continue and ignore data that a user should not have access to; if it is not possible to continue while ignoring data, the import is stopped. Security is never bypassed when updating data.

XER allows updates to all data if you have the Import Project Management XER and MPX security privilege set.



Exclusive Project Access

XML always opens a project as exclusive, and will stop the import if it cannot gain exclusive access. This ensures that other users are not changing data during the import process.

XER accesses projects as shared, which means other users can update data in the middle of the import process.



Committing Data

XML will not commit partial data. If an import action for a specific transaction fails before all data is committed, XML rolls back the data; global and project-specific imports are treated as separate transactions.

XER can end up with partial commits of data.



Work Shift Handling

XML replaces any existing work shifts.

XER tries to insert work shifts, which can potentially corrupt your shift decisions.



Multiple projects

XER supports importing multiple projects at once from a single XER file.

XML supports importing multiple projects at once from a single XML file.



Baseline Import

XER does not support the import of baselines.

XML supports the import of baselines.



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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023