Check Schedule dialog box

Use the Check Schedule dialog box to view potential issues in a schedule.

Use Check Schedule parameters from: If multiple projects are open, select which projects schedule check options to use when you check the schedules.

Logic - Activities missing predecessors or successors: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities that have no predecessor or successor. Started activities and start milestones are not required by this analysis to have predecessors. Completed activities and WBS summary activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have no predecessor or successor.

Negative Lags - Relationships with a lag duration of less than 0: Mark to analyze the percentage of relationships with a lag duration less than zero. Relationships between completed activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of relationships that can have negative lag.

Lags - Relationships with a positive lag duration: Mark to analyze the percentage of relationships with positive lag applied. Relationships between completed activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of relationships that can have lag.

Long Lags - Relationships with a lag duration greater than:Mark to analyze the percentage of relationships with a lag duration greater than the value you specify. You can specify the value in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years but the duration will be converted to hours according to the Hours per Time Period settings. Relationships between completed activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of relationships that can have a lag duration over the value you specify.

Relationship Types - The majority of relationships should be Finish to Start: Mark to analyze relationship types. Relationships between completed activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of relationships that must have a relationship type of Finish to Start.

Hard Constraints - Constraints that prevent activities being moved: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities that have constraints applied that will prevent the activity dates being recalculated according to the schedule logic. Hard constraints are Mandatory Start, Start On, Mandatory Finish, and Finish On. Completed activities, WBS Summary activities, Level of Effort activities, and start constraints applied to started activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have hard constraints.

Soft Constraints - Constraints that do not prevent activities being moved: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities that have constraints applied that will not prevent the activity dates being recalculated according to the schedule logic. Soft constraints are Start On or Before, Start On or After, Finish On or Before, Finish On or After, and As Late As Possible. Completed activities, WBS Summary activities, Level of Effort activities, and start constraints on started activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have a soft constraint applied.

Large Float - Activities with total float greater than: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities calculated by the scheduler to have a float duration greater than the value you specify. Completed, WBS Summary, and Level of Effort activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have a float duration over the value you specify.

Negative Float - Activities with a total float less than 0: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities calculated by the scheduler to have a float duration of less than zero. These activities are likely to delay the end date of the project if corrective action is not taken. Completed, WBS Summary, and Level of Effort activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have negative float.

Large Durations - Activities that have a remaining duration greater than: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities that have a remaining duration greater than the value you specify. Completed activities, WBS Summary activities, and Level of Effort activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have a large remaining duration.

Invalid Progress Dates - Activities with invalid progress dates: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities with invalid dates. Invalid dates for not started activities are start dates earlier than the data date. Invalid dates for in progress activities are remaining early start dates earlier than the data date or actual start dates later than the data date. Invalid dates for completed activities are actual finish dates later than the data date. Completed activities with an actual finish earlier than the data date, WBS summary activities, and Level of Effort activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have invalid progress dates.

Resource / Cost - Activities that do not have an expense or a resource assigned: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities that have not been assigned at least one resource, role, or expenses. These activities might contribute to the miscalculation of project costs. An activity will be considered to pass this test if at least one resource, role, or expense has been assigned, regardless of whether any costs have been assigned to the resources or expenses. Milestones, WBS Summary activities, and Level of Effort activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can have no resources or expenses assigned.

Late Activities - Activities scheduled to finish later than the project baseline: Mark to analyze the percentage of activities that are scheduled to finish later than the corresponding activity in the project baseline. If an activity has no corresponding activity in the project baseline, it is considered to fail this test if its remaining early finish date is later than its planned finish date. Milestones, WBS Summary activities, and Level of Effort activities are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable percentage of activities that can be scheduled to finish later than their baseline finish date or have no corresponding baseline activity.

BEI - Baseline Execution Index: Mark to analyze the number of completed activities in the project against the number of baseline activities calculated to finish before the open project's data date. Not started activities, in progress activities, Milestones, WBS Summary activities, and Level of Effort activities in the open project are not included in this analysis. In the project baseline, milestones, WBS Summary activities, Level of Effort activities, and activities with a finish date later than the open project's data date are not included in this analysis. Specify the target for the acceptable ratio of completed activities in the open project compared with baseline activities scheduled to finish before the open project's current data date, as expressed as a percentage.

Save Report To: Enter or select a filename to store the generated report.

Overwrite existing: Mark to save the report to the selected file name even if the file already exists. If this option is not selected but a file with that name already exists in the location, a timestamp will be added to the report name.

Cancel: Ends the action without saving changes.

Save: Saves the settings you configure as the configuration for the project selected in the Use Check Schedule parameters from field. Each project can have its own configuration of these settings.

Check Schedule: Saves the settings you have configured, initiates the Check Schedule analysis, produces the report at the location you specified, and opens the report in a separate window.

Default: Returns all checks to their default values.

Help: Opens P6 Professional Help for this dialog box.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023