P6 Visualizer overview

P6 Visualizer is a reporting-tool that you can use to create customizable Gantt charts, Timescaled Logic Diagrams and Schedule Comparisons for time-based, daily comparison reporting. Visualizer can be launched as a standalone application that can connect to P6 Professional and P6 EPPM databases. You can also open Visualizer from P6 Professional by selecting Tools, Visualizer. To access Visualizer, you need to have Visualizer module access.

Project data is not sent from P6 Professional to Visualizer. Instead, you can select projects from within the Visualizer.

Gantt charts provide a graphical display of the project's schedule information in the order determined by grouping and sorting options. The Gantt chart shows each activity's duration, using the timescale specified, as a horizontal bar. A line connecting activity bars indicates a relationship. Gantt charts allocate a row for each activity.

TSLDs allow more than one activity per row, which condenses the project entire project plan and the chains of activities that drive the project schedule. TSLDs present a graphic depiction of activities and the overall logic of a project according to time.

Schedule Comparison enables you to generate a report that compares selected data fields in a revised project and its corresponding original project or a revised project and a corresponding baseline.

Visualizer allows you to set options, then visualize the reports. You can directly output reports to print or an XPS document.

When you start the Visualizer application, the Visualizer workspace appears. The Visualizer workspace is the user interface. From the Visualizer workspace, you can draw, view, edit, print, and save Gantt Charts and TSLDs.

See the P6 Visualizer Help for more information about Visualizer. That help is available from the Visualizer workspace.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023