Top Down Estimation dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Use the Top Down Estimation dialog box to apply labor, nonlabor, and/or material resource units to WBS nodes using estimated weights.

Resource Units to Estimate

Estimate Labor: Choose this option to estimate labor resource units.

Estimate Nonlabor: Choose this option to estimate nonlabor resource units.

Activities to Estimate

WBS: The name of the WBS element on which to perform the estimate. To estimate the entire project, select the root WBS element.

Total Activities: The number of activities included under the specified WBS element.

Resource: The name of the resource whose assigned activities you want to estimate for the specified WBS element.

Current Units: The current number of units assigned to the specified resource.

Estimation Method

Prior Experience: Choose this option to perform top-down estimation based on prior experience.

Estimated Units: The estimated amount of effort required to complete the WBS elements.

Function Point: Choose this option to develop top-down estimation using function points.

Function Points: Click to launch the Function Point Estimation dialog box. Use the Function Point Estimation dialog box to specify or calculate function point values for the WBS element included in the estimate.

Apply adjustment: Select this option to apply an adjustment percentage to the estimate. Type the adjustment percentage you want to use.

Adjusted Units: The estimated amount of effort required to complete the WBS element with an adjustment percentage. (Adjusted Units = Units * Adjustment %)

Close: Click to exit the Top Down Estimation dialog box without change.

Apply: Click to apply the top-down estimation.

Note: To apply top-down estimations to a project, you must have the "Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships" privilege, which is set in the Security Profiles dialog box.

Save As: Click to save the estimate without applying it.

History: Click to view detailed information about and/or apply a previously saved top-down estimate.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023