Activity Details

Use the Activity Details to view and edit detailed information about the selected activity. The Activity Details appear in the Activities window.

The following tabs are available:

Activity Details appear on several tabs. To specify which tabs you want to display and their order, click the Display Options bar, then choose Bottom Layout Options, or right-click in the Activity Details tab area and choose Customize Activity Details.
In addition, the following fields and buttons are available at the top of each tab:

Previous  : Displays information about the previous activity.

Next  : Displays information about the next activity.

Activity: The selected activity's ID. You can type a new ID.

Activity Name: The selected activity's name. You can type a new name.

Project: The ID for the selected activity's project.

Related Topics

Risks tab - Activity Details (P6 Professional Only)

Relationships tab - Activity Details

Expenses tab - Activity Details

Feedback tab - Activity Details

Steps tab - Activity Details

Notebook tab - Activity Details

Codes tab - Activity Details

Tasks tab - Activity Details (P6 EPPM Only)

Successors tab - Activity Details

Predecessors tab - Activity Details

Resources tab - Activity Details

Status tab - Activity Details

General tab - Activity Details

WPs & Docs tab - Activity Details

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023